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Posts posted by Wildcardz

  1. Note for those who want to attend Friday night event.

    Please confirm by Wednesday @ 8pm, so we can confirm with the host.


    Event Name???:?? Star Wars Rise of the Skywalker Premiere
    Venue:?? Cinepolis Luxury

    Event Address

    42 South Main Street, West Hartford, Connecticut, 06107, United States

    Arrival time @ 4pm
    Event Start:?? Friday 12/20/2019?? - 5pm
    Event End:???? Friday 12/20/2019?? - 9pm

    Expected number of attendees:?? 1500
    Requested number of characters: As many as possible!

    Changing area available.
    Blasters fine.
    Parking okay.
    Accessible venue.

    Event host comments:??Opening night of the movie, Star Wars Rise of the Skywalker.??1 ticket to any movie of their choice, Popcorn & soda included.

    My comments: Might be fun if you want a chance to see the movie for free.



    Topic is for discussion of event.?? To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link:?? Rise of Skywalker" Premiere, Cinemark West Hartford - 12/20/19 04:00 PM to 12/20/19 09:00 PM

  2. Quote

    The Prospector is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to providing meaningful employment to people with disabilities through the operation of a first-run movie theater in Ridgefield, CT. Employees of the Theater are known as Prospects, and we are encouraged to sparkle, shine, and transform our passions into professions. Approximately 75% of our workforce self-identifies with a disability, and we are committed to competitive and integrated employment.??


    This year w???e have been asked back to the Prospector Theatre to help them and their guests celebrate the release of "Rise of Skywalker".

    We would arrive by 11 am in order to be dressed to welcome guests in advance of the 12:30pm showing. We have been offered complimentary tickets to watch the film afterward.

    This has been the final event of the calendar??year for the CTG the last few years, so come along for some fun and see some Star Wars! :)


    Please sign up asap, so we can inform the ho???st by Thursday afternoon.


    Event Name???:?? Star Wars Rise of the Skywalker Premiere
    Venue:?? Prospector Theater

    Event Address

    25 Prospect Street, Ridgefield, Connecticut, 06877, United States

    Arrival time: 11am???
    Event Start:?? Sunday 12/22/2019?? - 12 Noon
    Event End:???? Sunday 12/22/2019?? - 2 pm




    Topic is for discussion of event.?? To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link:?? Rise of Skywalker" at the Prospector - 12/22/19 05:00 PM to 12/22/19 @ 12 noon

  3. 14 hours ago, Iconic_ctinferno said:

    It was just a paint primer i believe, definitely not a automotive. It has to be gloss black everywhere but the chin and teeth and i like things shiny so you will only see the matte in time.??

    lol dont know what a VOC is but yes Jimbo, yes!??


    VOC, it could be one of these....

    Very Old Car

    Vicious Odd??Cat

    Voice Of the??Customer

    Volatile Organic Compound

    Verification of Conformity

    Volley??On Court

    Victory Over Country

  4. 15 hours ago, ndamario said:


    The kidney plate sits too high up and I'm not really sure what to do about this. I think I could afford some room if I brought the straps down a little further from the upper back plate but I don't want to reveal too much undersuit between the plates. I could also raise the abdominal plate by about 2cm but I'm not really sure what else to do about getting that kidney plate to sit lower, so any suggestions are welcome.???

    Kidney and Butt plates: You can shorten / tighten??the straps that holds them together. (Eliminate the gap between the kidney and butt plate.)

    That should raise the lower butt plate to give the back of the thigh?? a little more gap.

    Do the same with the chest and abs plate straps. That would raise it a bit.

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