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Posts posted by Wildcardz

  1. On 9/18/2019 at 3:59 PM, Alay said:

    Some good news, the NEG Webmaster is on board with playing around and trying to get cross garrison sign on functionality.?? That means new folks don't need to register on the other's boards; just click the "Sign In with CTG / NEG" button, log in to the OTHER corresponding portal, and voila!

    I'll update once we get it a-rolling :)


    Wow, you can do that?? Must be some kind of magic trick with the masters of webs.


  2. 23 hours ago, Alay said:

    Sunglasses next time for my officer.?? Screw canon I was squinting and sunblind half the day.

    I think officers would look great with the reflective glasses. Let me see what I can do.


    1 hour ago, Kaipurrr said:

    Same!! I'm glad at least I didn't end up with an awkward forehead tan line, hahaha!

    Glad you didn't get a forehead and freckles tan. haha

    As for sunglasses for a jedi, I am thinking of green or blue lens to match the light sabers.



  3. 19 hours ago, Feliz said:

    Chris, in ??years past, we have gotten to the event a bit earlier, before the trucks leave. Once they leave, we then got dressed. Is??10am OK? What time will you be there?

    I agree. I would suggest to get there as early as possible.

    Get there by 9:30 or even earlier if you can. You don't want to get stuck on the traffic getting in and if the trucks are heading out, you will not able to get in.


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  4. ??


    Another year, another Pancake Breakfast.
    The town of Sharon volunteer ambulance squad will be holding a monthly pancake breakfast to raise money for their squad's equipment.
    Monthly individual from surrounding towns come to the breakfast, it is for the children/adults in and around our area.

    Breakfast will be provided and all who attend.
    Endless pancakes and BACON!!!

    There is no cap to the number of characters but would need 3 to make it official.
    Blasters are welcome.
    Kids in costume are welcome.


    Event time: 9AM - 11AM

    Arrive by 8:30AM and suit up to troop by 9.



    Sharon Fire Department

    36 West Main Street, Sharon, CT. 06069





    Topic is for discussion of event.?? To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link:?? Sharon Volunteer Fire Department Annual Pancake Breakfast

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  5. On 7/25/2019 at 3:54 PM, Alay said:

    Sand troopers:

    • Are dirty.
    • Don't have a cool sniper knee like we have, just some stupid diamond.
    • Are covered in sand.
    • Have to lug around backpacks, and thus move slower.
    • Covered in dirt and need a bath.

    Shadow troopers:

    • Are just Darth Vader wannabes!

    Stormtrooper Commanders:

    • Think they're so cool with their blue stripes and lightsabers, but aren't.
    • Don't have ice cream, we do.


    Oh yay!! Here comes the trash talk.

    Maybe us Sandtroopers should start our own club.??

    Rocky Roads Sandtroopers.

    Whos with me?!?

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