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Posts posted by Wildcardz

  1. 11 hours ago, Swiftcloud said:

    So, the back piece (vest/cowel thing) is in like 4 pieces! They fit together like 4 puzzle pieces FROM DIFFERENT PUZZLES! ?



    Hey, thanks for the updates!! Love the follow ups!!

    When can I come over to help??????

    Ummm, so the half piece goes in the front..... That means you will have to fill, sand, prime and paint.. the whole thing.

    It does make some sense, to have reinforcement for the back plate.

    I mean, one would pull the full curve pieces all in one but that would make the material too thin in the middle and will still need backing.

    But it doesn't make any sense, to make the split in the middle of the circle and the lines.


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  2. Good morning Matthew,

    Did you sign up on the sith forums? And there are a few youtube vids on this mod.

    Message Paul Bosler @Halfrek??he should be able to help with some details.

    One thing you will need to do is to take apart the helmet and rebuilt it, fill the seams in the middle of the helmet (from ear to ear).


    There are a few basic tools, you will need for most builds.

    Pilers, screwdrivers...

    Sandpaper (rough to fine)

    E6000 and CA or super glue .

    Dermal (this will help with sanding.

    Straight edge (ruler).

    Razor and scissors.

    Something to cut on.

  3. On 6/21/2019 at 9:06 PM, Mason Windu said:

    I hope this event went well!

    Sorry that I didn't attend even though I RSVP'd -- I was in the hospital due to unforeseen circumstances and just got discharged


    You okay????? JUST got discharged??? Thats a long time.

    Event was great! Everyone enjoyed it. Parade itself was fun and everyone in the parade was friendly. We made it on the drone cam.


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