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Posts posted by Thanamira

  1. 8 minutes ago, Kirby'sHammer said:

    Hi Everyone!?? NEG person here. first time doing an event on the CT garrison. I'm not sure where the costume sign up list is but just wanted to put down i'll?? be in my ANH Tie Pilot! :)??

    TIE pilots...????shakes head sadly

    Doug, the CTG forums have discussion threads per events, apparently, so the calendar listing is over here:

    (I mean, I'm NEG/AB??too, so hopefully I'm not doing it wrong, either.?? X-wing pilots, y'know...?? ;) )


    There's also a social get-together afterwards (I can't make it, alas!); I'm sure peeps would appreciate RSVPs if you're planning on going.


    As long as I'm posting: I'm trying to recruit another NEG/AB member to show up.?? Morrigan just (like, literally today!) got her Resistance Technician approved - I think it might be first in the Legion? so I'm trying to armtwist her into coming.?? She said she'd get back to me ASAP.

    So my question is: is there a cutoff time for signing up??? I didn't know if we needed to get a list of names to NEAM by a certain time or not.

    And thanks again to all of CTG for being awesome and letting us come!?? ????????

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  2. Ahhh, tres bien!?? (And thus is the extent of my knowledge of French.?? :) )

    Sadly, I already promised some larp friends I'd hang out with them in the afternoon (other friends??? Is that allowed?!?), otherwise I'd happily stick around.?? I'll let people know preference, and it's not even clear to me that I can make it.?? (Now, if the speed limit between CT and MA went up to 90mph, that'd be helpful...)

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  3. Hello!?? I looked around on the forums for protocols/guidelines for out-of-Garrison signups, but didn't see any, so my apologies if I missed something.

    I was wondering if you still have room for more people for this troop.?? In particular, I was musing about trying to get a bunch of New England Garrison / Alderaan Base pilots to show up.?? Since it'd be short notice, I'm a bit dubious I'll get anyone, but Murphy's Law states that if I don't mention it in advance, I'll get 2398472 people showing up.?? :)?? I think it might be realistic that I'd get maybe 2-3 other people to come along.

    Also, if your Rebel Legion Base has their own forums, could someone provide me a link, please??? (http://newsite.rebellegion.com/kamino-base/??told me to try kamino-base.com, which bounces for me.)?? I don't know if CTG works hand-in-hand with your RL counterparts, or if you organize things separately.

    Lastly, how easy is it to just partially troop this event??? I may want to only do the 10am-noon shift; other NEG/AB people may similarly want to sleep in a bit and come for the 1-3pm shift --??but if that'd be weird and being there all day would be preferred, I'll definitely pass that along.

    As I am completely new to how your Garrison & Base do things, I'm very keen to follow your practices, so any guidance would be very appreciated.

    See you around the galaxy :)

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  4. Hello!?? Dave Leung checking in here.?? On the 501st side, I am SL-12781 (an inactive Count Dooku, until I decide to grow out my facial hair again) and an ESB "scanning crew" aka comm tech.?? (The guys in the ISD trench that look up nervously at the end of ESB at Vader, just after the Falcon manages to slip into hyperspace.)?? On the Rebel side, I have a generic Jedi and a newly-approved TLJ briefing room x-wing pilot.

    I've been thinking I should troop farther north in New England (Maine is??how??far from Boston?!?), and really, if I'm willing to drive 2 hours into Maine, I figure, hey, I should see what's going on in CT.?? :)?? In fact, the Space Expo troop caught my eye, which is what prompted me to finally try to find y'all.

    And if??you're??ever in Boston, do drop me a line!

    "I've been looking forward to this!"

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