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Rise of Skywalker" Premiere, Cinemark West Hartford - 12/20/19 04:00 PM to 12/20/19 09:00 PM - 12/20/19 04:00 PM to 12/20/19 09:00 PM


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Note for those who want to attend Friday night event.

Please confirm by Wednesday @ 8pm, so we can confirm with the host.


Event Name???:?? Star Wars Rise of the Skywalker Premiere
Venue:?? Cinepolis Luxury

Event Address

42 South Main Street, West Hartford, Connecticut, 06107, United States

Arrival time @ 4pm
Event Start:?? Friday 12/20/2019?? - 5pm
Event End:???? Friday 12/20/2019?? - 9pm

Expected number of attendees:?? 1500
Requested number of characters: As many as possible!

Changing area available.
Blasters fine.
Parking okay.
Accessible venue.

Event host comments:??Opening night of the movie, Star Wars Rise of the Skywalker.??1 ticket to any movie of their choice, Popcorn & soda included.

My comments: Might be fun if you want a chance to see the movie for free.



Topic is for discussion of event.?? To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link:?? Rise of Skywalker" Premiere, Cinemark West Hartford - 12/20/19 04:00 PM to 12/20/19 09:00 PM

Andy Tam

TI / CC / TD - 33333

PW / PH-33333: Professional Wrangler / Handler

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It is an easy event. Enjoy

The theater ??????point of contact, Jose Rivera ??????????????????????????????or Jessi???ca Carlson.

Most of the employees knows we are coming tonight. Changing room is on the second floor, be careful of the stairs. Sorry no elevator TKs.

Andy Tam

TI / CC / TD - 33333

PW / PH-33333: Professional Wrangler / Handler

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