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Everything posted by Iconic_ctinferno

  1. A neat idea, can we make it more starwarsy? Lol the Hartford whalers isn???t a team anymore and not everyone is from the US, in terms of the legion,??will understand the reference. Also a character or two on our logo would look cool!??
  2. Please give a warm welcome to our newest members of the CTG Mike F. DS-24289??and congratulations on completing your Force Awakens Kylo Ren. Well done and hope to see you troop soon, even??with this unfortunate pandemic that will hopefully pass soon!??
  3. DLT-19X completed and ready for trooping! Whenever that resumes!?? ?? Want to give a huge shout out to Michelle for helping me with this and I???m so happy I have Dels blaster now.??
  4. Finally got to Michelle???s today to sand my bandolier down for Gideon Hask approval. Still gotta spray paint and??measure for strap but once done and sewn will be good for application to JRS!??
  5. #5 TX-72679 Del Meeko aka Quentin Salgado?? My favorite troop, even tho it was mad cold, was mystic aquarium. This past year??event at mystic was my first troop, along with the Fairfield public library Starwars day being that same day as well, but mystic was one event that I did first wrangle back in 2018 and it was fun trooping with so many of you.?? ?? A future trooper that I am looking forward to is the air museum as it is again fun having the 501st and other groups join us for our biggest event.?? ?? good luck to everyone!??
  6. Looks cool but I need a little more as to what the game is about. Would be cool to see inferno squad again, even if it???s a cameo,??but that???s a biased hope??lol. Overall flying is cool but definitely needs better controls and all from what is in battlefront 2.??
  7. I know a few people here in CTG were going and I myself was going but hey now with the push back maybe there???s a chance more tickets will open and more of you can make it!??
  8. Please join me in welcoming our newest recruit Stefan Ambrosch, aka @Stormy.?? Stefan is interested in being a Stormtrooper and is from Westerly, CT. Feel free to check out and sign up on the First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment:??https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/ Be sure to check??out??Imperial Protocol??for more information, and be sure to set up a build thread in our??Costume Building??section as you get started with your costume!. Please be sure to review the??Membership Approval Handbook??for more information!?? If you have any questions feel free to ask Welcome aboard!??
  9. So excited to see this get done and having more Battlefront 2 costumes out there!??
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