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Rebel Legion
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Everything posted by Finruiniel

  1. until

    I???m available for the whole time.??
  2. You can add me as a maker. I don???t want to build a mando but I do want to participate. I can do pretty much the same ??things on Joe???s list but on a smaller scale. My main offerings would be sewing soft parts and basic leatherwork (I can???t make boots or anything like that but I could handle belts and pouches). If anyone wants to get REALLY fancy I???m good at embroidery. ?? I???m also pretty good with painting and weathering. I loooove to airbrush and do detail work. I???m pretty much a Jack of all trades master of none kinda guy. Anything anyone wants help with, I???m down.??
  3. until

    Since this is so small, SG is limiting their table to just SG members. But Kamino and/or CTG could get our own table. Posting here and Kamino FB to see if anyones interested in doing that. I???m willing to be there the whole time.??
  4. Suuuuper bummed I have to drop out. Just found out I need surgery and I???ll be out of commission for 2 weeks.?? ?? Apparently getting your tonsils out as an adult is ???the worst experience of your life.??? Exact words from the doctor.
  5. until

    I can do Rey
  6. I???ll be Rey. If there are any other Rey???s going let me know so we can plan??costumes. I can do hero or ep ix so hopefully we won???t have problems with duplicates??
  7. until

    I???m gonna take myself off. Sad to miss out but the latest COVID situation has got me scared to go to big??indoor events
  8. until

    Would love to do Rey if there???s room
  9. until

    Ah, bummer. I work evening shift so I'm only free in the morning
  10. until

    I can do Rey
  11. until

    I???m from Kamino Base and I???d love to bring Rey??if a spot frees up.??
  12. until

    Website says event is postponed ?
  13. until

    No prob. Thanks for the offer!??If you???re willing to switch, that???d??be awesome. But no worries if you can???t. ??Let me know whenever, I don???t need to plan very far I advance.?? I???m planning a generic Jedi so I???ll have an alternate too. I want to do something inspired by the Jedi Rey concept art cause it???s awesome.??
  14. until

    Newbie question - what happens if multiple people with the same character want to go?
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