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Posts posted by ndamario

  1. Hey all, I'm excited for the troop this Saturday!
    I just finished my E-11 Blaster and was hoping to get it approved so I can bring it to the event. It is a heavily modified Rubies blaster. I followed along with Happytrooper's tutorial??https://youtu.be/LrSRk5IlSJY??and added a few extra details. I even printed extensions for the barrel and receiver to make it the proper length.
    I'm just looking for basic approval. There are some missing details and I realize that I can only take a rubies mod so far.









  2. Awesome and good to know. Thank you!

    I have looked into the Heavy Weapons Trooper and I think that would be a lot of fun! As things stand now I'm still working on an E-11 blaster for my TK. Figure I'd better see how that goes first :)

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  3. I was given an orange one as a gift and was wondering what the rules are for the??CT garrison concerning pauldrons and wearing them to events. Same question for CTG trading cards.

    My only costume is ANH Stunt TK.



  4. I used to love playing X-wing vs TIE fighter back in the day so I'm super excited for this! I'm on PC with the Vive. From what little research I've done, it looks like this game will have cross play across all platforms.

  5. Hey all,
    ??I've seen pics of the troops from??over the summer and early fall??and I hope to join in soon! My summer was very busy and I didn't have much time to work on the armor. Here's where I'm at so far.
    The torso, chest, kidney, and butt plate were too wide so I flexed them gently into shape with the help of a heat gun.??


    The thighs were too large around and too tall. They were trimmed down and I think they fit well diameter-wise, but may still be too tall. This is especially noticeable on the back. not enough space between the thighs and butt plate.??


    The kidney plate sits too high up and I'm not really sure what to do about this. I think I could afford some room if I brought the straps down a little further from the upper back plate but I don't want to reveal too much undersuit between the plates. I could also raise the abdominal plate by about 2cm but I'm not really sure what else to do about getting that kidney plate to sit lower, so any suggestions are welcome.





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  6. As some of you know I cheated and got my TK armor used instead of starting from a kit. The previous owner was??taller than I am. Tall enough to where I need to do some trimming down on a few pieces. Shouldn't be too hard but I figure I would post pictures as I go.

    I Haven't had time to start??yet, but I did get my boots in! I feel like Cinderella!??



    I noticed some TK's have this odd notch on top of the left thigh. It's hard to tell from movie reference shots if this is the same for all TK's because the drop box??often covers that area. Should this be made smooth or is it more accurate to keep the notch?


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