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Everything posted by ndamario

  1. I'd like to take the morning shift but I can't edit the sheet to put my name on it. If you're still accepting signups, I'd be attending as a Stormtrooper. Edit: I was able to sign up on the sheet. Thanks, and looking forward to seeing everyone!
  2. until

    I'll be there! Going as ANH TK.
  3. until

    Time Travelers Weekend was really fun last year! I'd be able to do Saturday in my TK.
  4. until

    Yes, thank you. I still plan on going. If anyone needs to contact me you can call or text 407-666-9700. -Nick
  5. until

    Sounds really fun! Count me in. Going as ANH TK
  6. until

    Sorry to see that the event was moved. I won't be able to make it. Sounds like a great time though. Hope yall have fun!
  7. ndamario

    Somers Scarecrow Festival 2021

    Somers Scarecrow Festival 2021 Sorry I only have a couple of photos from??the event. It was a great time and if anyone has more pictures, please post them here.
  8. Hey all, I'm excited for the troop this Saturday! I just finished my E-11 Blaster and was hoping to get it approved so I can bring it to the event. It is a heavily modified Rubies blaster. I followed along with Happytrooper's tutorial??https://youtu.be/LrSRk5IlSJY??and added a few extra details. I even printed extensions for the barrel and receiver to make it the proper length. I'm just looking for basic approval. There are some missing details and I realize that I can only take a rubies mod so far.
  9. Awesome and good to know. Thank you! I have looked into the Heavy Weapons Trooper and I think that would be a lot of fun! As things stand now I'm still working on an E-11 blaster for my TK. Figure I'd better see how that goes first
  10. I was given an orange one as a gift and was wondering what the rules are for the??CT garrison concerning pauldrons and wearing them to events. Same question for CTG trading cards. My only costume is ANH Stunt TK. Thanks!
  11. This picture was taken at a convention in Orlando, FL in 1999 or so.??It was a fantastic con with the likes of Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, Jeremy Bulloch, all signing autographs. (I believe Adam West was also there but he had a room all to himself lol.) I remember standing next to David as he signed my poster and we took a photo. He said "Lean on my shoulder like we're buddies." I did so timidly.??"No, come on and really lean into it."??He seemed like a really good guy who loved the fans. I remember seeing him at other conventions years later. I wish I had gotten another photo.
  12. Sweet cab! That is such a great four??player setup. I've been working on restori??ng this 1978 Space Invaders??cocktail cabinet. The glass table top is pretty scratched up. I need to figure out how to replace or resurface it.
  13. Congrats! The costume is great and I look forward to seeing it in person once things start to get back to normal.
  14. I used to love playing X-wing vs TIE fighter back in the day so I'm super excited for this! I'm on PC with the Vive. From what little research I've done, it looks like this game will have cross play across all platforms.
  15. #9 TK-38240 Nicholas Damario My favorite (and only) troop??was??Mystic Aquarium. Loved every minute of it. Whatever troop comes up next is the one I'm most excited for! Hope we can all get back out there soon, and I hope??everyone is doing well and staying safe!
  16. Attached are a few more pics of costumed characters. Wish I could have gotten??closeups but maybe someone here will find them interesting.
  17. Hey all, I hope everyone is doing well! As some of you know I'm a snowbird and I escape to FL for the winter. I've heard things are starting to thaw out back north, which means my stay here is almost over. I should be back by the end of the month. During my visit I had the chance to check out Galaxy's Edge! The rides were amazing??(except for having to get up at 4am to make sure I got a place in the queue. But it was worth it). The newest attraction, Rise of the Resistance, was an amazing??experience. Friends kept telling me it's more than just a ride and that I would just have to see it myself. They were right. It was hard to tell where the pre-show ends and the ride begins. Smuggler's run was great. The ride itself was fun but I was more impressed by the queue area! Parts of it felt like walking through the halls of the Falcon, and there was a room complete with Dejarik??table. Entering the cockpit and having a seat as navigator had me grinning ear to ear.????The life size Millennium Falcon out front was pretty cool,??too. While the attractions were great, walking around the Galaxy's Edge area was a??bit of a letdown. There was??plenty of Star Wars-esque scenery and props, but it all felt very bland.??Droids would swivel their heads a bit and ship engines would idly hum, but it just wasn't a very engaging experience. It didn't feel alive.??There were no shows and few costumed characters walking around. The only "show" I noticed was Rey fueling up a starship. No commentary, no acknowledgement of the crowd gathered??watching her every mundane move. It was very odd. Another thing I noticed immediately when entering Galaxy's edge was the absence of music. I get that Disney was??tying to go for an immersive/realistic??experience, but the place really needed a soundtrack to perk things up. I also saw Captain Phasma. I have to say our Phasma looks a lot more shiny and chrome. It's been a fun visit but I'm looking forward to being back north and seeing everyone again. Be it miles or light years away, there's no place like home.
  18. And Wow! What a welcome package! The perks of being CT 501st!
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