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    Legairre Radden
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    Connecticut Garrison

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Commander (6/8)



  1. until
    Bridgeport Islanders Star Wars Night 2025 Location: Total Mortgage Arena, 600 Main Street, Bridgeport CT 06604 Parking location and details: Parking is located across the street from the arena under the highway bridge, the lot is marked with signs for “employee parking” Event date: March 8th Event start time & approx. end time: 6PM Doors - 9:30PM End time. Call time: 5PM Changing room details: Access to private rooms and private bathrooms. Can accommodate more privacy with Pipe & drape dividers. Maximum number invited: no maximum
  2. Bridgeport Islanders Star Wars Night 2025 Location: Total Mortgage Arena, 600 Main Street, Bridgeport CT 06604 Parking location and details: Parking is located across the street from the arena under the highway bridge, the lot is marked with signs for “employee parking” Event date: March 8th Event start time & approx. end time: 6PM Doors - 9:30PM End time. Call time: 5PM Changing room details: Access to private rooms and private bathrooms. Can accommodate more privacy with Pipe & drape dividers. Maximum number invited: no maximum Topic is for discussion of event. To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link: Bridgeport Islanders Star Wars Night 2025
  3. until
    More details to come
  4. More details to come Topic is for discussion of event. To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link: Revenge of the Sixth at Connecticut Childrens Hospital
  5. until
    Event Name: I Am Your Father's Day Event Venue: Ansonia Public Library Venue address: 53 South Cliff St Ansonia, Connecticut 06401 Event Start: June 14 2025 - 11am Event End: June 14 2025 - 12:30pm Event Website: Expected number of attendees: 100 Requested number of characters: 8 Requested character types: Any Secure changing/staging area: Yes Can troopers carry blasters: Yes Can troopers carry/bring props like lightsabers and staffs: Yes Is parking available: Yes Is venue accessible to those with limited mobility: Yes Amenities available at venue: Restrooms, water, lots and lots of books! Comments: We are looking to host a Father's Day event at the Ansonia Pubic Library that will be paired with a kick off to reading summer program, and felt that you can't go wrong with Star Wars and Dads! We would love to make this a yearly event as Father's Day and our Summer Reading Kickoff occurs during the same weekend. It would be a fantastic way to "hook" hesitant readers, especially the 8-11 year old boy demographic which, as a children's librarian, is the toughest age range for me to get reading in the summer. Referred by: The 501st did this event with us last year
  6. Event Name: I Am Your Father's Day Event Venue: Ansonia Public Library Venue address: 53 South Cliff St Ansonia, Connecticut 06401 Event Start: June 14 2025 - 11am Event End: June 14 2025 - 12:30pm Event Website: Expected number of attendees: 100 Requested number of characters: 8 Requested character types: Any Secure changing/staging area: Yes Can troopers carry blasters: Yes Can troopers carry/bring props like lightsabers and staffs: Yes Is parking available: Yes Is venue accessible to those with limited mobility: Yes Amenities available at venue: Restrooms, water, lots and lots of books! Comments: We are looking to host a Father's Day event at the Ansonia Pubic Library that will be paired with a kick off to reading summer program, and felt that you can't go wrong with Star Wars and Dads! We would love to make this a yearly event as Father's Day and our Summer Reading Kickoff occurs during the same weekend. It would be a fantastic way to "hook" hesitant readers, especially the 8-11 year old boy demographic which, as a children's librarian, is the toughest age range for me to get reading in the summer. Referred by: The 501st did this event with us last year Topic is for discussion of event. To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link: I Am Your Father's Day Event
  7. until
    Event Name: Star Wars Day Venue: Connecticut Science Center Venue address: 250 Columbus Boulevard Hartford, Connecticut 06103 USA Event Start: 5/3/25 - 11:00AM Event End: 5/4/25 - 3:00PM Event Website: CTScienceCenter.org Expected number of attendees: 1,000 Requested number of characters: Requested character types: Secure changing/staging area: Yes Can troopers carry blasters: Yes Can troopers carry/bring props like lightsabers and staffs: Yes Is parking available: Yes Is venue accessible to those with limited mobility: Yes Amenities available at venue: We have a large room located in a private section of the Science Center where visitors do not have access to. There is also access from here to a private bathroom and water fountain. Comments: We want to host a Star Wars Weekend in celebration of May the Fourth. We are hoping for this to be a two-day event, both Saturday, May 3 & Sunday, May 4, 11AM-3PM each day. We found it very successful the last time you all were here this past August, so if we could structure this similar that would be amazing. We do not have a limit of how many characters we want, as many as are available to be here we would welcome. Referred by: We have worked with you all previously.
  8. Event Name: Star Wars Day Venue: Connecticut Science Center Venue address: 250 Columbus Boulevard Hartford, Connecticut 06103 USA Event Start: 5/3/25 - 11:00AM Event End: 5/4/25 - 3:00PM Event Website: CTScienceCenter.org Expected number of attendees: 1,000 Requested number of characters: Requested character types: Secure changing/staging area: Yes Can troopers carry blasters: Yes Can troopers carry/bring props like lightsabers and staffs: Yes Is parking available: Yes Is venue accessible to those with limited mobility: Yes Amenities available at venue: We have a large room located in a private section of the Science Center where visitors do not have access to. There is also access from here to a private bathroom and water fountain. Comments: We want to host a Star Wars Weekend in celebration of May the Fourth. We are hoping for this to be a two-day event, both Saturday, May 3 & Sunday, May 4, 11AM-3PM each day. We found it very successful the last time you all were here this past August, so if we could structure this similar that would be amazing. We do not have a limit of how many characters we want, as many as are available to be here we would welcome. Referred by: We have worked with you all previously. Topic is for discussion of event. To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link: CT Science Ceneter Star Wars Day Part 1
  9. until
    Event Start: 5/4/2025 - 2pm Event End: 5/4/2025 - 9pm Event Website: https://maneeleys.com/ Expected number of attendees: 110 Requested number of characters: 10 Requested character types: Secure changing/staging area: Yes Can troopers carry blasters: Yes Can troopers carry/bring props like lightsabers and staffs: Yes Is parking available: Yes Is venue accessible to those with limited mobility: Yes Amenities available at venue: For 501st members, Food and Drink will be provided for all members that attend. Dressing rooms will be in the same building as the Groomsmen rooms. There are bathrooms, extra rooms to rest and to get away if needed. These buildings are in the venue itself so everything is close buy. If any members require special accommodations, please let us know. Comments: This wedding is a Star Wars Empire meets Disney Villains wedding. The groom will be representing the Empire as his groomsmen will be Imperial Officers as well as the groom. The Bride will be representing Disney villains. Her bridesmaids will represent different Disney villains. Guests will be encouraged to be in costume and enjoy the festivities. Pictures will be taken with both guests and members. Possible green screen to show different backgrounds of different Star Wars areas as well as Disney areas. Everyone is encouraged to have fun. Long live the Empire. Referred by: I am a pending member of the 501st. I known about the 501st Connecticut Garrison for quite some time. I am happy and proud to be part of this awesome group.
  10. Event Start: 5/4/2025 - 2pm Event End: 5/4/2025 - 9pm Event Website: https://maneeleys.com/ Expected number of attendees: 110 Requested number of characters: 10 Requested character types: Secure changing/staging area: Yes Can troopers carry blasters: Yes Can troopers carry/bring props like lightsabers and staffs: Yes Is parking available: Yes Is venue accessible to those with limited mobility: Yes Amenities available at venue: For 501st members, Food and Drink will be provided for all members that attend. Dressing rooms will be in the same building as the Groomsmen rooms. There are bathrooms, extra rooms to rest and to get away if needed. These buildings are in the venue itself so everything is close buy. If any members require special accommodations, please let us know. Comments: This wedding is a Star Wars Empire meets Disney Villains wedding. The groom will be representing the Empire as his groomsmen will be Imperial Officers as well as the groom. The Bride will be representing Disney villains. Her bridesmaids will represent different Disney villains. Guests will be encouraged to be in costume and enjoy the festivities. Pictures will be taken with both guests and members. Possible green screen to show different backgrounds of different Star Wars areas as well as Disney areas. Everyone is encouraged to have fun. Long live the Empire. Referred by: I am a pending member of the 501st. I known about the 501st Connecticut Garrison for quite some time. I am happy and proud to be part of this awesome group. Topic is for discussion of event. To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link: Nick and Morgan's Wedding
  11. until
  12. Topic is for discussion of event. To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link: Hartford Wolf Pack Star Wars Night 2025
  13. until

    We will have the same room as last year, in the same building as the hostel, there’s a shower in there as well, when you arrive just let the people at the front gate know who you are and ask for James. He can show you where everything is. You are all welcome to stay for the late night party that evening, lunch is served at 2pm. If someone needs to contact James they can call my cell at 860-574-6342 or me at 203-598-4281
  14. until
    more details to come
  15. more details to come Topic is for discussion of event. To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link: Star War Day at Mystic Aquarium
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