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Greetings from Wallingford

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Ahoy Troopers and Sith Lords!

New recruit here. My name is Bill, and I am (as you might have guessed) a big Star Wars enthusiast! I have a generic Jedi costume that is approved by both Saber Guild and the Rebel Legion. Currently I am working on a ROTS Anakin/Pre-armor Vader that I hope to get approved in all three fan clubs - Saber Guild, Rebel Legion, and 501st Legion.??

I'm curious to know if I can troop with you guys despite not being 501st approved. In RL and SG we allow members of other clubs to troop with us. Does the same hold true in the 501st? Either way, I'm excited to troop with you, and learn from you all!??

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Welcome Bill!!! Look forward to seeing you join us and great costume choice. For trooping, since you are part of other groups like RL and SG,??we would allow you to troop at events with us if I???m correct as long as we have space and approval by the CO for you to come. Most likely shouldn???t be an issue but our CO Andy Tam would be the final say. Looking forward to seeing you complete your 501st costume and good luck!

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Quentin Salgado TX/TI/DS-72679 - CTG Public Relations Officer

Approved Costumes: Inferno Squad - Del Meeko & Inferno Squad - Gideon Hask & Kylo Ren: TROS

PW/ PH- 72679 Professional Wrangler / Handler

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Quentin is right, basically any events that have a character cap, first chance goes to our local CTG members, then anything else is everyone welcome!

We don't usually have caps on costumed characters at events (and if we do, we often don't meet them except for a few events out of the year) so I'd suggest taking a look at our??Confirmed Events section.?? We actually have one happening this Sunday!



Welcome aboard :)

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Garrison Web Master | First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Leader Emeritus

ANH Stunt Stormtrooper - Centurion | ESB Line Officer - Imperator |Dengar - Approved
Heavy Weapon Trooper - Centurion| ESB Stormtrooper- Approved | Admiral Daala - Approved| Jodo Kast - Approved

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