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Branford little league opening day- Saturday, April 23rd, 9am - 1pm


Event Archive

Event details

Event Name:?? Branford little league opening day ceremony??
Venue:?? Sliney fields??
Venue address:?? 115 South Montowese St??
?????????????????????????????? branford, Connecticut
?????????????????????????????? 06405
?????????????????????????????? USA
Event Start:?? April 23rd?? - 9:00am
Event End:?????? April 23rd?? - 1:00pm
Event Website:?? None
Expected number of attendees:?? 200
Requested number of characters:?? 30
Requested character types:??
Secure changing/staging area: Yes
Can troopers carry blasters: Yes
Can troopers carry/bring props like lightsabers and staffs: Yes
Is parking available: Yes
Is venue accessible to those with limited mobility: Yes
Amenities available at venue: Restrooms, changing room area, water will be available to the ct Garrison or any of the sister legions that join in. Possibly of snacks for the crew
Comments: Opening day baseball ceremony at the branford field. About 200 players and parents will be there. Would definitely request Jawas, Vader, Chewbacca and as many other characters that will go and join us . The event will have the theme of the may 4th celebration.?? I asked blasters are welcome but would ask that orange tape be applied??on the end of the barrel.
Referred by:?? Member?? of CT Garrison??


Hey Everyone! This is an event for one of our own! Lets see what we can do to make this happen!



Edited by Feliz

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