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Backpacks Got Jets

Command Team
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Everything posted by Backpacks Got Jets

  1. moved to confirmed for visibiliy. this is our next "big" thing after the St. Patty's day parade so sign up
  2. welcome to the boards. Look forward to getting to know you
  3. Ha Tone never comes across over text. I don't think anyone is thinking you're starting anything negative. My response was less toward you and more to just encompass the entire theme of what's going on. you just happened to be a convenient starting point. I heart you Jim
  4. In spirit i guess yes you're correct. seems like numbers are a little skewed but you have to keep in mind a few things First the gala event came on the board way before the islanders event so a lot of troopers already decided on what they were going to be doing that evening prior to the LFL invite for the islanders. Next, the gala is inevitably going to raise a mountain of money for charity while the islanders game,though a bigger venue, is more about promoting an evening event rather than fund raising. so if we're worried about charitable contributions we should be touting the Gala hardcore. We have manned large events with small crews countless times in the past, i'm not sure why there's such a push back with this islander's game. it came in as a second event on a date, we should be glad that we're doing it at all rather than fighting over the numbers involved. Lastly we're volunteers volunteering for the things we feel like volunteering for. There's no reason to scalp from one event to even out numbers for another. Is it ideal? not really. Is it functional? yes. Will it change anything either way? no not really.
  5. Excellent questions. GA costumes for youth members are fine. If she's an official member then she's set you just obviously are responsible for her during the day. PARKING AND PARADE DAY STUFF We usually don't get official information until the week of the march, however, we usually meet early-ish in a parking garage designated by the parade where we will all get together and get kitted up. From the parking garage we are bused to a drop off point close to the step-off area and likely will walk a block or two from where the bus drops us off to where we're going to sit around and wait for it to begin. The parade ends about 3 or so blocks from the parking garage so it's short walk back to our stuff where we get dressed down. The post-parade dinner if you're attending will be at a sports restaurant about 15 minutes north of new haven once you get on the highway. I'll be distributing more information likely early to mid-next week with more details.
  6. Just over 1 month out. Bumping for visibility. clean your kits and tell your friends.
  7. Lou, I agree to a point, however, the gala as an event has been up since October and the Islander's game didn't come up until January so any shifting around of what people do would be on their own terms obviously. Would I like to distribute it a little better? Yes. However we've manned large events with a low body count before and it works out as long as we stay together and have a wrangler handy. We'll see what happens a little closer to the event. If the troopers signed up are unsure if they want to attend because of the number of troopers/wranglers committed, we can cancel the event on behalf of trooper safety and no harm/no foul. I know it's not what people want to do but the option exists. Galas get a lot of enthusiasm because they lend themselves to a little bit different feel. Additionally Saber Guild committed to a performance so siphoning off of their ranks to go to the islanders would likely be a hard sell. I'll try to drum up some support for the Islander's game between now and then. Reach out to some troopers to see if there are any other interested parties. I'm sure something can work out.
  8. >Be ezra >Ask for interest in fun social event >Interested people respond >Go radio silent >Does not elaborate
  9. excellent, i'd love to see some progress pics
  10. Hey kids. The 2022 Legion year is coming to a close with elections in February I'll be putting my hat in the ring once more for commander and (hopefully) have a similar staff contingent Our current crew load out is a set of enthusiastic people who I really enjoy working with. However, they are all old and busted and smell a little so I am reaching out to existing garrison membership in an open forum to (in)formally invite anyone interested in being a part of Garrison leadership to step forward. There are several positions to consider. Some take a little more work than others. Initially the goal is to have volunteers be assistants to the existing command staff roles to learn how each position works, and in some cases, take a little bit of the work off our existing staff so we can make it a smooth ride the whole new year. Our garrison doesn't necessarily fill out all the available roles available to a 501st garrison, mainly due to the CTG's small and manageable size. It makes it so wearing several hats isn't as overwhelming as if we were somewhere like NY or LA. Makes holding a position more of a formality in a club than a second job. Having said that, we don't want people to be wearing extra hats if they don't need to. Our current roles and staff are as follows: Commander: @Backpacks Got Jets - for now, until someone usurps me via fraudulent and corrupt rigged election. Garrison commander makes final decisions on garrison business and more or less charts the course for the year. XO - @Alay - Executive officer acts as a "first officer" who helps the commander make necessary decisions and acts as the commander in their absence. Garrison Membership Liaison (GML) - The GML's primary role in our garrison is to review and critique costume submissions. The GML should generally stay up to date on relevant garrison/legion business and guidelines. The GML also more or less acts as a contact point for new and prospective members. @Alay is our GML, but the duties of GML are often shared between command staff members with final judgement/approvals going through the commander. Garrison Event Coordinator (GEC) - The GEC position is likely the most involved position in our garrison. The GEC acts as a contact point for event hosts and figures out the details for our troops. The GEC is usually the one putting up the event requests in our forums and the one who is primarily responsible for us knowing what is going on when we show up. @Feliz is doing an amazing job as GEC, but I'd like to give him some support in this role in 2023 Garrison Merchandising and Branding Officer (GMBO) - The GMBO or "Merch" officer is tasked with getting the cool stuff that we all like to buy from concept to reality. Shirts, hats, patches and coins and everything in between. The GMBO has to stay up on Legion rules regarding branding and copyright and communicate at Legion level about the products being produced. They are also responsible for maintaining accurate records of cost and payments. @BFKN enjoys his coins. Maybe he can make his hobbies rub off on you too. Public Relations Officer - @Iconic_ctinferno : master of disguise, Has been our PR officer. Public relations, in Garrison terms, is essentially maintaining our Social Media presence and is a contact point for non-trooping event communications and coordination. The position can be fun if you choose to make it that way. Garrison Web Liaison - You're on a forum, reading this. The GWL maintains the website, and deals with those sorts of things. To be honest I'm completely lost when it comes to working on websites so it's a good thing @Alay (many hats) tolerates my incompetence. It would be good for someone to come up for her to show the essentials to so that if she decides to disappear in the middle of the night, we're not stuck without the keys to the kingdom. Garrison Charity Liaison - The charity liaison position is primarily responsible for following up with event hosts for proof of charitable donation and logging those in a spreadsheet. Our previous charity rep had to step down and I know some of you reached out to me before to fill the position but I've been a huge failure in that part. Ideally our 2023 year will have the position filled Like I said, there are other roles, but most of the extra roles are unnecessary for our garrison for now. If anyone has interest please reach out to me via private message on either the forum or facebook so we can talk about opportunities Here's to having a successful 2023 campaign!
  11. My philosophy is as long as there's not a cap on numbers, the more the merrier. galas are always a good time. come on down! make sure you RSVP so we know you're coming
  12. Good to have you aboard! St patrick's parade looks like its shaping up to be a good time Make sure you sign up on the spreadsheet we have in the event post as well so we can get a full body count by parade day
  13. Excellent! all of our events are open to the star wars clubs so if you ever find yourself in CT and bored, check our pending events and sign up!
  14. Excellent! great to have you on the forums and will be fun to get acquainted at the parade! Make sure you sign up on the spreadsheet we have in the event post as well so we can get a full body count by parade day
  15. UPDATED WITH PARADE ORDERS & INFORMATION PLEASE READ The New Haven St. Patrick's Day Parade is the largest, single-day spectator event in the State of Connecticut, and one of our longest running troops. The 2022 parade saw the begining of a great relationship between all of the Connecticut Star Wars Groups. Lets have an even better 2023! There will also be a post-parade dinner Click on the "trooping" bit on post here so we can log you on the troop tracker, but also please put your name on the spreadsheet so we can figure out all attendees. Link to sign up for the parade and dinner is here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Az5lYRo_8aNbOzmE9hTcoTwPri2OEzyONtKZm9o6UL0/edit#gid=0 AFTER PARADE DINNER - PLEASE MAKE PAYMENTS VIA PAYPAL TO TREASURY@CTG501.COM. Cost is $22.00 if paying friends and family. $25 if paying Goods and services. If your name is on the list you're responsible for your part of the cost! ************************************************************************************************** PARADE INFO PARKING: Parking for Participants ONLY is available at the Granite Square Parking Garage. The parking structure is located at 690 State Street, New Haven CT 06511 between Audubon Street & Trumbull Street. The entrance to this lot is via State Street ONLY. One occupant vehicles will not be permitted to park in this lot. (IF YOU ARRIVE EARLY NOBODY CHECKS) Yale University Parking Lot #16 & #22 have been reserved for one occupant vehicles. Yale Lots # 16 & 22 are located at the intersection of Whitney Avenue & Humphrey Street. Entrance from Whitney Avenue. Shuttle buses will be available for transportation to the assembly area from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. from both parking areas There will be no return shuttle buses at the end of the parade. We'd like to have everyone ready and suited up by the time the first shuttle roles out, so plan your arrival to accommodate this. A 9:30 - 10am arrival may be best to avoid traffic and complications and to ensure you have space to park. I'm a big fan of "the earlier the better" so nobody ends up in any kind of rush. There will likely be some standing around and general milling about and drinking coffee in the lot before we start getting dressed in earnest, but it's a lot better than rushing around. We are being bussed to the staging area, so there won't be anywhere for you to store anything. Whatever you have with you when you leave the lot will be with you for the rest of the day. Each Member participating NEEDS to bring a copy the attached parade order / parking pass to be able to park, so do not forget it - Usually nobody checks but bring it just in case. There will NOT be any shuttle buses returning to the Yale Lot 16 at the end of the Parade. The end of the parade is about a 2 block walk from the parking garage ********************************************************************************** We are Order 66... heh... in the parade. Find attached: Parade Rules:2023 GNSPDP Parade Orders.Rules.Regulations.pdf Parking Pass: 2023 Confirmation GNHSPDP - Parking & Vehicle.pdf Parade Lineup: 2023 PARADE LINEUP BY NUMBER GNHSPDP 3-9-23.pdf Assembly Areas: 2023 Line Assembly Map, Final.pdf Parade Route: Final_1_Parade Route.pdf
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