We usually have a table for each club with plenty of space for props, so it wouldn't hurt to bring it. Grabby people (mostly but not always kids) have historically not been too much trouble with the crowds and number of handlers at this event, but it's something to consider before you put an item that you care about on the table.
FYI, there won't be bathrooms where we are parking and suiting up, but there will be portapots between the shuttle drop and the line-up location. For those coming from the south, there is a nice Pilot off exit 40 of I95 with good gas prices and nice bathrooms; it's about 11 minutes away from the parking garage. For anyone coming in along I95 from the north, there is a service plaza in Branford about 9 minutes before the parking garage.
@Depeche25 These are hopefully going to become regular events on about 1 Thursday morning a month. You will need to be vaccinated as noted above and able to read or otherwise tell a story to the kids. Kathie may be able to work out something clever with you if that's hard to do with your helmet on.
The gala is a private invitation event for specific clubs, and you need to dress as a member of those organizations. We don't have an established relationship with Dark Empire and are not comfortable adding a wild card this late into planning and coordination. Please wear your Rebel Legion approved costume or dress as a handler per Erin's instructions above. If you would like to wear Dark Empire costumes to future events, please have the local spire leadership contact Joe so they can start a discussion.
This is a high profile event, so approved costumes and professionally dress handlers (club racing shirt, Tshirt, etc.) only please! We'd love to do more events like this and want to make a great impression on the guests.
Before anyone get bummed about the limited space: They are very excited to have us and to make visits like this a regular occurrence. But right now CT Children's is operating under special restrictions because of the recent RSV surge, and we will make whatever accommodations they ask to ensure the health of the kids. At the moment it means no bedside visits and limited gatherings, so we have a cap at 6 and an understanding that if everything goes well, many more people will get to attend events throughout the year. Mark your calendars for May 4th, and let's hope we can come out in mass for bedside visits by then.
More information for the gift swap: As noted in the sign-up sheet, it's a max. $20 value. Your gift can be something made or purchased. It can also be a service like 3D printing, sewing or armor help, etc. Everyone has something to share!