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Everything posted by HRivera7322

  1. So I ended up going with the plan I had set out for my thigh pieces. Because the original 3D printed ribbed portions of my ASP thighs were too tight to fit but too brittle to resize, I decided to take a cutter to them and completely remove this portion: https://imgur.com/gallery/WM1acnh. This, unfortunately, exposes the blue filament of the 3D print, but should be an easy fix to hide that. Found an alternative rubber matting at Home Depot that closely resembles the ribbed pattern shown on the CRL: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rubber-Cal-Corrugated-Fine-Rib-3-ft-x-8-ft-Black-Rubber-Flooring-24-sq-ft-03-167-W-FR-08/302640302. Just waiting for this to arrive and I can work on cutting out enough material to give me the leg room I need and to properly hook it up. In addition to this, I was finally able to find my dremel to finish milling out the rest of the shoulder cutouts on the new backplate I ordered from Jim Tripon. This week, I'll work on attaching snap points, velcro, and felt to the backplate before getting it painted. Focused on updating my calf pieces on Tuesday: The calf armor pieces that I purchased off of the Facebook Death Trooper build group are a set of finished Jim Tripon fiberglass calves. Sturdy and beautifully painted, however, the exposed fiberglass makes wearing them very very itchy haha. I lined the inside of these armor pieces with black felt from thefeltstore.com secured with 3M 77 Spray Adhesive: https://imgur.com/gallery/MOuQAIh. I'll use the same method to line the backplate once I finish setting up snap points/rigging on the backplate. Was gonna do that earlier this week but apparently I left my soldering iron at Walt's shop😅
  2. Unfortunately, gonna have to back out of this one. We're celebrating my mom's birthday tomorrow and it's right in the middle of this event.
  3. until

    Unfortunately, gonna have to back out of this one. We're celebrating my mom's birthday tomorrow and it's right in the middle of this event.
  4. Will head to this one as well. Need to get my Dt finished ASAP
  5. Bowling would be awesome! Weekends work best for me since I'm out of state
  6. Signed up to troop as a DT (Assuming I can get it done in time). Otherwise, will wrangle.
  7. Awesome, appreciate it Joe!?? Nothing too serious, just a simple paint job following the DT coloring scheme outlined here:??https://databank.501st.com/databank/File:Tx_imperial_death_trooper_back_color_scheme.png I have Jim Tripon's fiberglass resin kit, so I don't think much prep work needs to be done on it for it to be ready for paint. It feels pretty smooth as is. The only worry I have is that the area where the rubber shoulder straps are supposed to go is filled in, as opposed to being hollowed out. I can send you a photo of what I mean when I get home from work today.
  8. Updating after a few months: ?? Following the cancellation of my ASP order back in April, I was able to find a second-hand ASP kit from a guy in Washington. Nick was very friendly and very transparent throughout the whole transaction so I managed to get the finished armor + helmet + belt for just about $700. ?? As I mentioned to some of you throughout the Terrificon weekend, I've still got a few things to work on for this kit, but I'm very close to finishing it.?? I did a test fit way back in May when I first got the kit and found that the thigh pieces were just a little too tight for me. After my first armor party at Ezra's, I decided to use nylon webbing and velcro to extend the circumference of the thigh piece to fit me better. During that first test fit, I also ended up cracking the backplate's shoulder area. I didn't have the tools/knowhow to fix it, so I ended up buying a replacement backplate from Jim Tripon. Gonna visit some auto body shop later this week to see about getting it painted. Helmet is in great condition but needs padding and fans in order to make it comfortable for me to wear during troops. @Wildcardz??and @Feliz??had some great recommendations so I'll be looking on amazon or a sporting goods store for those parts. ?? Once I get the backplate redone and the thigh pieces adjusted, I should be able to adjust the rigging system to make sure the suit lines up how I want it to. I can work with padding and velcro to make sure the armor is actually making contact and not just hanging over me awkwardly.??
  9. Completely agree! I've never been to a convention before, let alone one with the garrison, so I have no reference point for what these events have been like in the past, but for a first, this weekend was nothing short of phenomenal! Loved getting to see everyone from all the groups and getting to bond during those rowdy nights (looking at you, Joe???). Definitely want to do more events with all the groups combined, keep shaking things up! ?? Can't wait to get my Death Trooper finished so I can troop with you guys next time!
  10. OOOOOH! Very much looking forward to this one! Maybe we can troop side by side and give you a Death Trooper escort once we finish our builds???
  11. Hey Quentin, I'm looking to stay in New London for the weekend if you'd like to split a room. I'm not sure what would be cheaper for you but let me know if you're interested.
  12. Found a Mando flight suit for a fairly good deal online. Looks like the top stitching is white, so I'll be pivoting towards a Season 2/BoBF Din Djarin.
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