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[POSTPONED] Space EXPO @ The New England Air Museum - 04/04/20 09:00 AM to 04/04/20 04:00 PM


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Event Name:????SPACE??EXPO
Venue:?? New England Air Museum

Event Start:?? 4/4/2020?? - 10:00am
Event End:?? ??4/4/2020?? - 4:00pm
Event Website:??www.neam.org

Expected number of attendees:?? 800
Secure changing/staging area: Yes (plus food + drink)
Weapons: Okay

Event Host Comments: Our annual??SPACE??EXPO??is the largest celebration of all things??space??in Southern New England. This event is open to the public, and serves 800-1200 visitors annually.
Referred by:?? We've worked with the CT Garrison for the past several years and would love the opportunity to bring them back again this year. We make an charitable donation every year in their honor, and will be glad to do so again this year.

Photos from 2019:??

From 2018:??



My Comments: Another save-the-date. This is becoming a rather long-standarding troop for us! Usually we do this in two shifts of 2 hours or so with an hour lunch break in the middle. 2019 had an extremely high turnout and I'd love for us to match that in 2020. :)


Topic is for discussion of event.?? To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link:?? Space EXPO @ The New England Air Museum


Christopher Bailey??| TK-66402
Approved Costumes:??ANH Stunt??(Centurion) | Heavy Weapons Trooper??(Elite Infantry)
In Progress: ANH TIE Pilot??| Zuckuss

"Those who forget the past are doomed to... blah blah blah..."

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Should we make this a first time ever on the east coast FIVE heavy weapon trooper event? ;)

Garrison Web Master | First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Leader Emeritus

ANH Stunt Stormtrooper - Centurion | ESB Line Officer - Imperator |Dengar - Approved
Heavy Weapon Trooper - Centurion| ESB Stormtrooper- Approved | Admiral Daala - Approved| Jodo Kast - Approved

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I'm game, but that might require @magni??to stop waving his saber around for 5 minutes.

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Christopher Bailey??| TK-66402
Approved Costumes:??ANH Stunt??(Centurion) | Heavy Weapons Trooper??(Elite Infantry)
In Progress: ANH TIE Pilot??| Zuckuss

"Those who forget the past are doomed to... blah blah blah..."

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On 1/2/2020 at 11:20 PM, Chewy said:

I'm game, but that might require @magni??to stop waving his saber around for 5 minutes.

I guess......but then We'd be equals.


I'm in for Heavy. I need a group photo of this. Hope others can join and @Chewy to.

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Made a reservation for afterwards at Bobby V's if anyone is interested:??

They have pretty good wings if you're interested in those. :P


Christopher Bailey??| TK-66402
Approved Costumes:??ANH Stunt??(Centurion) | Heavy Weapons Trooper??(Elite Infantry)
In Progress: ANH TIE Pilot??| Zuckuss

"Those who forget the past are doomed to... blah blah blah..."

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3 hours ago, macloed316 said:

Let me know if Im needed. You know you can always dust me off and hang me up somewhere in there.

You really going to break the streak, @macloed316? Of course you are welcome.

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Christopher Bailey??| TK-66402
Approved Costumes:??ANH Stunt??(Centurion) | Heavy Weapons Trooper??(Elite Infantry)
In Progress: ANH TIE Pilot??| Zuckuss

"Those who forget the past are doomed to... blah blah blah..."

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  • The title was changed to [POSTPONED] Space EXPO @ The New England Air Museum - 04/04/20 09:00 AM to 04/04/20 04:00 PM
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