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About This Club

Fire Team Vanilla is an exclusive??? premiere??? group of Stormtroopers and Clones brave enough to be mundane. Designed to encourage more 501st members to make classic costumes.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. ?? Oh yay!! Here comes the trash talk. Maybe us Sandtroopers should start our own club.?? Rocky Roads Sandtroopers. Whos with me?!?
  3. Welcoming @bsands??to Fire Team Vanilla!??
  4. HWTs: Sandtrooper wannabees. Also have to lug around a backpack. Are too lazy to do basic armour maintenance.??
  5. Sand troopers: Are dirty. Don't have a cool sniper knee like we have, just some stupid diamond. Are covered in sand. Have to lug around backpacks, and thus move slower. Covered in dirt and need a bath. Shadow troopers: Are just Darth Vader wannabes! Stormtrooper Commanders: Think they're so cool with their blue stripes and lightsabers, but aren't. Don't have ice cream, we do.
  6. ?? Fire Team Vanilla is an approved??First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Fire Team.?? It exists to promote classic clean stormtrooper designs to members and encourage more folks to build classic stormtroopers. Requirements to join: You must be an approved active 501st member. You must own and be approved in one of the following costumes: Stormtrooper - A New Hope??- Stunt Stormtrooper - A New Hope - Hero Stormtrooper - Empire Strikes Back Stormtrooper - Return of the Jedi Stormtrooper - The Force Awakens Stormtrooper - The Last Jedi Clone Trooper - Phase I Clone Trooper - Phase II No extra bells, whistles, dirt, pauldrons, flare, silliness, or other stuff may be worn when representing claiming to represent the fire team.* *"Representing the Fire Team" is not to be taken serious, and can be invoked only when telling that local Sand Trooper that he needs a bath! That's it!?? So what are the rewards of membership into Fire Team Vanilla? Exclusive access to the Fire Team Vanilla club forums, where you can talk about how clean and awesome your armor is!?? Death Star ready! Exclusive access to merchandise runs for the fire team, should they ever happen. A free Fire Team Vanilla patch, for you to wear on your favorite jacket or armor bag. A $5 gift card to Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, while supplies last. ?? So get ready to be awesome, build that pretty clean stormtrooper, and join the most mundane group of evil doers??today!
  7. Current Member List: Sarah - @Alay Christopher - @Chewy Michelle - @Madxena

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