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About Maulevolent

  • Birthday 08/07/1975

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ray Umerley
  • Location
    Wilton CT
  • Pronouns

Legion Information

  • Legion ID
  • Garrison
    Connecticut Garrison

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Major (5/8)



  1. Welcome, Don! Walt gave us a heads up you’d be knocking on the door! We’ll keep an eye out for the email with the photos and keep you posted on the status of the review. As we’re in the final stages of prep for TerrifiCon in August, please be patient with us! -Ray
  2. Then I would focus on the basics for approval at the Garrison level and anything additional would be at individual discretion. We can provide what guidance we can but other than @CTdadalorian20none of us are going to be close enough to the higher level requirements for the kit as the detachment.
  3. Nothing to add so far but I’ve been a huge fan of the GA files. This is just motivating me to start printing my Tech armor…
  4. Welcome again! Disregard my previous question about material as I read that thread before this one. PETG won’t be an issue. Great detail in this post. @CTdadalorian20 is our only current Din and has an extremely accurate costume that he is constantly improving so he’ll be your best internal resource. The Garrison approves your membership against the base CRL level 1 standards. As the GML, that will be the standard that I’ll apply when judging your kit. The higher level requirements for Level 2 and Level 3 are only relevant to the detachments, so they will be the best source to ensure you’re meeting the necessary to achieve those standards. I’d recommend a build thread in the relevant detachment forum for those purposes which it sounds like you already have. For level 1 the leather color is forgiving as the CRL only requires dark brown leather or leather like material. I would use actual screen captures to determine the appropriate shade (the 5 min dip looks too dark to me) but from a review perspective consistency is the key to ensure the color palette is uniform. Same with the thread used being brown or dirty white. Of the two you showed, I think the former is closer than the latter. Regarding the tasset, again the requirement is leather or leather-like material so the vinyl alternative should be fine as long as it has the appearance of leather when assembled. It’s hard to see in the lighting but it looks close enough for level 1 work. EVA foam should be fine to use as padding material as it won’t be exposed (exposed EVA is a general no go for any armor, etc). For future posts of any length, it would be helpful to highlight (e.g., bold or colored text) any questions in your post to ensure we hit them all. Good luck with your build and keep it coming!
  5. Welcome! How are you sourcing or creating the armor? You mentioned craftsmanship contest and just want to ensure the material and method you’re using would pass muster with our 501st requirements.
  6. until

    Unfortunately, my work schedule is no longer conducive to me attending this event and I have to withdraw.
  7. We have very specific needs this year based on new additions to our table and displays, and allocation of troops to various shifts. Once we get through the glut of May 4th events and put those behind us we’ll start putting up the sign up sheets. Any commitments to those shifts will need to be firm.
  8. until

    I’ll add you to a group with Seth and I to make sure you have all the information!
  9. I’m withdrawing from this event but with the attendance we have, that should be of limited impact. Have a great time!
  10. So I have a couple updates but hoping to start the actual build soon now that things are settling down. I went ahead and printed a more accurate (and lighter!) TLJ thermal detonator to replace the resin one with the kit. Still needs to be finished and painted: I also printed accurate ridged rails for the TLJ forearms with a hole for the Allen key dome hex bolt: Lastly, the raw pull for the riot shield came in from 850 Armor Works to add to the pile to be trimmed and finished: More to come!
  11. until

    I can help make this happen if we have a couple of others!
  12. That DLT-19 is tempting…particularly for the Dengar I’ve always wanted but haven’t built (yet). I may jump on that if no one else worthy picks it up!
  13. Let’s find some time to connect as I still think building bench strength in both people and technology here is important. I also had a technology agenda I’d still like to execute against. I’ll volunteer as a deputy! 👮‍♂️
  14. I've been reluctant to break into the armor boxes just yet as I need to finish a few other projects and setup my workshop for the build before I start trimming. But in the interim, I'm continuing to accumulate various pieces and parts. As I mentioned, I'm targeting Level 3/Centurion requirements for this build, so several things go well beyond the basic requirements. My upgraded rubber gaskets arrived from TandAWorkshop. These are slipcast latex gaskets and they arrived untrimmed and still coated in release agent. This is the after photo after a couple of hours of trimming and cleanup: I'm still going to go over them a couple more times with rubber cleaner/conditioner. Also, my undersuit arrived from TrooperStore, which has the rubberized material for the shorts meeting level 3 requirements integrated. I'm really happy with the fit and finish and also that it has a two-way zip for those future bio breaks. I went up several sizes (XXL) based on their size charts and reviews that consistently mentioned the suits ran small. I'm 5'11 and 210 with broad shoulders and while it's a little loose in the arms, lengthwise and overall the fit is great: My upgraded pouches from TrooperBay also arrived (as the long pouch with the DN kit is undersized), as well as my functional metal holster from R2Dan: Speaking of holsters, I'm working on printing the SE-44C pistol for the sidearm using The5thHorseman's files on the FISD forums. I decided to print and finish two of them, one for my kit and the other will be donated for a daily raffle prize at Terrificon this year. Still a few more pieces to print for the visor/sight then the joy of sanding and assembly will begin: Finally, I did get a shipping notice from KeepTrooping that my boots are on the way, and I started printing a more accurate (and lighter) TLJ thermal detonator for the armor kit. Hopefully more on both of those things in the next update as well as maybe unboxing at least the DN helmet.
  15. Yes, but he’s NEG. The one I was thinking of in CTG was Greg P. He was a Shore Trooper Captain from R1.
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