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Everything posted by Depeche25

  1. until

    I'll be th
  2. Looking to see when or if anyone has the medium size stickers would like about 25 of them.
  3. Never got a response can you please resubmit
  4. Looking for info on trading cards like wish to get some made , how much ,who that kind of stuff . Thanks
  5. Hey all buying a system for my tk . Question where do you put the speaker and voice box It doesn't look like it fits under chest armor.
  6. With great sadness the little boy died today. Thank you guys for all the help and in trying to be a part of this little boys final happiness.??
  7. Yes please join us that would be awesome!! Thanks jerrod I just pray he makes it till sunday.
  8. Thanks jerrod I just pray he makes it till sunday.
  9. No hes really sick probably only be there for a half an hour due to his strength dont wanna push more than that.?? I figure getting at his home about 1:30 to dress.?? Family has barn we can change into. Again hes on hospice care at home . I only hope he makes it to sunday. If anything should change I will contact everyone that is interested in going....and thank you for coming.
  10. For anyone interested I'm putting together a visit for a dying 7year old star wars fan. His name is Trenton and lives in haddam ct. I'm going up to his home sunday January 12th at 2pm. . My friend chris is going as boba fett and hopefully his daughter as boosh. Andy tam from the 501st said he will attend. So if anyone is interested please let me know. You can text me at 203-627-6057 . His favorite character is chewbacca. I'm hoping he will make it he dont have much time left. They have a barn we can dress in so I'm thinking of?? going at 1pm to set staging and do the visit from 2-3pm all is welcome?? Address: 14 Rock Landing Lane?? Haddam, CT 06424 Arrive at 1:30PM.
  11. Stanley speer Tk-81365 02/19/2018 Hwt-81365 10/29/2018 @Depeche25??-??https://ctg501.com/images/fisd/CTG Member Certificates/CTG Certificate Stan Speer.pdf
  12. I asked about doing this when Sarah was commander. Was taken back when someone showed me it's being done. Do past troopers get this package also?
  13. until

    Gonna have to back out of event last minute ordeal is keeping me from going.
  14. I like both options one I like that the neg would have more events to go to and with my schedule it's hard to do events. But on the other hand I like the small group that we are?? we have our own identify.??
  15. Do you know how we get passes and parking?
  16. I'm signed up see ya there need info about passes and parking please need 2 passes one for me one for handler??
  17. I could do Sunday late shift as a heavy weapons trooper if needed let me know.i bought tickets a while ago not happy?? to find out we got passes.
  18. until

    I can do Sunday the later shift 2 to 5 as a heavy weapons trooper??
  19. Where is troop tracker so I can access it?
  20. This was the reason I?? bought a suit I wanted to do an event like this for 2 years. Because I work 2nd shift I dont get to do a lot events. The people in the 501st are the best people I've met.?? The handlers are always there to help us troop and get dressed my bucket off to you guys and girls. Thank you again for having me nothing better to see the faces on these kids .
  21. If need a heavy weapons trooper let me know but do need my handler to help me dress.
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