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Everything posted by Iconic_ctinferno

  1. @Swiftcloud??and @rcrawford1248??and any others who are confused about information for this event, I have the event coordinator and the CO hopefully getting you guys the information soon but will say Ive done this parade before and parking is usually available for us however changing rooms aren???t a thing from my experience so either come somewhat dressed or change in the lot that the paraders are in. The address and all about parking and all will be given by Nick and Joe again. Also I do have @Erinskywalker??coming to wrangle and take photos.??
  2. until

    Hey, was able to get us two wranglers for this event. One is Carlos Suarez and the other is his brother. Carlos is actually in the process of putting together a Kylo Ren: TROS and would love to meet a few of you and also watch over us at the event. I know when we did this event last year there were so many people it was insane and overwhelming for some maybe. Also @Erinskywalker, who many of you know, is going to be coming as well to take photos and also help out.??
  3. Ah thank you!!!! I???ll send you pics for the legion site.??
  4. Here is my completed TROS Kylo Ren kit and the CRL for the costume????https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:Kylo_Ren:_The_Rise_Of_Skywalker??Please let me know if any other photos are needed and I look forward to your response. The lightsaber in the photos vs the shot I took of the saber on the table are two different sabers, but the saber on the table has become the primary and only saber I will use. It is a Force FX black series Supreme Leader Kylo Ren Lightsaber.??
  5. *PLEASE READ* ?? I want to remind all active members of the rules and guidelines??that are to be followed when at events, where photos are taken??or content that is posted on personal accounts,??that photos and actions in photos??that are inappropriate are not to be associated with the 501st.??That means if you are representing the 501st,??in any way, on your accounts via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, etc, please have some conscience of what is being posted. I received 2 complaints from LPRO over 2021 regarding a member who had inappropriate images on a video that was on their????personal profile. On their profile??they mentioned they were part of CTG and I was told??non-501 members had told the legion about the situation. I know we all like to make starwars fun with such poses or actions but when part of this group we must be precautious and have a??reputation to uphold. Thank you for reading and hoping 2022 is a good year with some great photo shots from events I know we all want to enjoy.??
  6. Yay! Congrats Chris! So happy you are finally part of the team and done with this long and painstaking accomplishment. Great work my friend!??
  7. From the album: Somers Scarecrow Festival 2021

    Autumn is officially here!??
  8. Welcome Bill!!! Look forward to seeing you join us and great costume choice. For trooping, since you are part of other groups like RL and SG,??we would allow you to troop at events with us if I???m correct as long as we have space and approval by the CO for you to come. Most likely shouldn???t be an issue but our CO Andy Tam would be the final say. Looking forward to seeing you complete your 501st costume and good luck!
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