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Everything posted by Madxena

  1. Thanks to everyone that came out and braved the cold tonight. It was great seeing you all.??
  2. There will be a heated tent and of course the aquarium to keep warm.??
  3. Hey guys. I will be getting over there at 4:30pm. The front entrance is where we go and we will be directed to the changing area from there. If everyone could get there no later than??5 pm that would be great. We need to be ready to go by 6 pm. ??My number is 860-608-1062. Call me if you need to. See you all there.??
  4. until

    Not sure if you saw but Jim S can???t??make it to this one so if you can and still want to??that would be great.??
  5. SO I haven't??posted in a while. I have been working on this for over a year and finally gave up and sent it to be chromed. It is a lot of work and you have to get the black gloss base perfect for the chrome to come it right. I just couldn???t do it anymore. Should have sent it a long time ago. Here are some progress photos up until I sent it out.??
  6. Yes that mask will save you from fentanyl exposure. Surely it should save you from paint fumes.??
  7. I have moved this to confirmed. They said the more the merrier so there is no??limit for troopers.??
  8. until

    Definitely Randy. We would love to have you and anyone else that would like to come.??
  9. until

    We had a great time last year for their Friendsgiving event. I really liked his troop.??
  10. Thanks for explaining it Sarah. Now I understand. Yes Pride thing for me too. Trooper Pride.??
  11. I keep track of my troops. I know I have done 18 for CTG (even though it says 15 have to figure out why) and 3 for NEG. So I don???t see why they would have to all total up on one forum. I think if we can do the Web thing it will open up so much more for us as a garrison. I like our garrison. I would not want to see a merge. We can ???merge??? on our own by signing up and doing more cross troops.?? ??
  12. Damn I didn???t get tan at all. Lol Agreed??definitely have to figure some kind of changing area for outdoor events like these. ??Like the glasses idea too.??
  13. Truck convoy??leaves??at 9:15am and returns around 10:30am.??You should get there by 9:00 am so you are not stuck in traffic or you will not be able to be??ready and dressed by the time the trucks get back. That was the??time set for last year and it worked out great. Time should be changed to 9:00am. It says be there by 11 am. That is way to late. I didn???t realize it was written that way. Please people be there by 9 am.??
  14. I have moved this to confirmed. The lady is really excited for us to come.??
  15. I will get you both signed up for the am shift on Saturday. Welcome.??
  16. Ok guys I am pretty sure I got everyone signed up. Some that weren???t sure of times I just signed you up on all. I can take you off once you figure out which ones are definite and not.??
  17. Sorry I have been slacking in my forum duties. Yes, get dressed there,??and yes. I will put you down for Friday night and Saturday. Just let me know when/if??you get a definite time slot.??
  18. You know me sign me up for all. I???ll either be dressed or wrangle. Hoping to have Phasma done but if not I will be my regular TK. Same as last year will troop until I can???t. Also I can go over whenever on Friday because I plan on taking that day off from work. Just let me know.??
  19. Madxena


    That???s the one!!
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