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  1. Today
  2. Whoever is coming out to my place If you want to bring a snack or a side or a drink to share that would be super.
  3. Whoever is coming out to my place If you want to bring a snack or a side or a drink to share that would be super.
  4. Yesterday
  5. Last week
  6. I can't wait to see your progress!! I'll be working on the backpack situation soon so I'll keep you updated on any progress or anything that absolutely doesn't work.
  7. The weathering looks great! Love Revan!
  8. This is great, looking forward to seeing the progress. Sorry I have no worthy advice but looks like you’ve got a solid start.
  9. Hey folks! Been a while I have an approved costume now, and would LOVE to join y'all! Is this open to other bases?
  10. until

    It doesn't say if we can carry blasters or not. Does anyone know?
  11. Not sure if I can make this to be a handler. Will update asap
  12. I’m a maybe, not really sure yet
  13. until

    Note that the parking lot across the street that we usually park in is no longer available for use. Please see the picture for alternate parking. The 426 lot is probably our best bet for a 5 PM call time and is the same distance from the entrance as the old lot.
  14. until

    So each club will receive their own invitation to events like this, then we all post and sign up. Hard bc some memebers are cross liste in groups.
  15. Sorry everyone, but I have to back out of this event. My friend just scheduled his bachelor party for the same day. I'll catch you all at another event though!
  16. I might try to make the journey. If I do, I’ll bring my SWU cards so someone can show me the basics. Lol
  17. Earlier
  18. bring stuff it'll go until whenever.
  19. This is going to be a chll out at my place. Going to probably grill and chill. BYOB and we can play some games and just generally hanging. Sign up so i know how many bodies to expect
  20. Yeah, that's mothers day. I won't be able to make it as we have mom's over that day!
  21. I also have Star Wars Cards Against Humanity or something like that. Is it really only going to be til 5pm? Why do I not see this ending anytime before midnight. lol And here I am, sitting here alone, talking to myself....
  22. Should I bring my Star Wars Operation game? I think it's Operation... might be Monopoly lolol
  23. until

    My sister Sarah will be attending as a handler as well.
  24. Swiftcloud

    Boba Fett - MS2 Repaint

    Here are some pics of my Boba Fett from Mandalorian Season 2 after being refreshed (last few episodes of the season) The armor was hand made, by myself, from Sintra (closed cell rigid plastic foam) The helmet is made by Redbow Props, painted and assembled by myself. The jetpack is from ManOfWar Studios, painted and assembled by myself. (I 3D printed the main rocket and thrusters for convenience and technical upgrades) Most of the soft goods, including the shirt w/cowl, flak vest and Kama made by Greylonesplace. Baggy pants are from SHEIN. Rope belt is hand-made by myself. Ammo belt, buckle and holster made by Sines Industries Gloves are from Gwabo. Boots are the same as screen used Nortive 8 slip-on style. Blaster and side-arm are 3D printed - files made by Woodman
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