Event Name: ????I Am Your Father's Day Event
Venue: ??Ansonia Public Library
Venue address: ??53 South Cliff St
??????????????????????????????Ansonia, Connecticut
Event Start: ??June 18 2022 ??- 10
Event End: ??????June 18 2022 ??- 12
Event Website: ??
Expected number of attendees: ??100
Requested number of characters: ??
Requested character types:??
Secure changing/staging area: Yes
Can troopers carry blasters: Yes
Can troopers carry/bring props like lightsabers and staffs: Yes
Is parking available: Yes
Is venue accessible to those with limited mobility: Yes
Amenities available at venue: Restrooms, water, lots and lots of books!
Comments: We are looking to host a Father's Day event at the Ansonia Pubic Library, and felt that you can't go wrong with Star Wars and Dads! We would love to make this a yearly event as Father's Day and our Summer Reading Kickoff occurs during the same weekend. It would be a fantastic way to "hook" hesitant readers, especially the 8-11 year old boy demographic which, as a children's librarian, is the toughest age range for me to get reading in the summer.
Referred by: ??I read about a library that used the 501st to celebrate May 4th and it was a huge success getting families, that otherwise may not have visited, into the library.??
This should be a fun, small event and I'd love to see us fulfill this request. We've done library events in the past and they are always enjoyable. Aim for a 9am arrival time, 10am in costume start time.