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Everything posted by fowlmouth

  1. Thanks, Jarred! Looking forward to it. Should be a step up from the cardboard and sharpie trooper costume I tried making when I was like 7. LOL
  2. I need to keep tabs on the next armor party. Would love to meet some of you. More importantly, this thread is putting the nail in the coffin for me. Definitely going to put Batman on hold and do a TK. Would love to see some the parts up close and get an idea on armor vendors.
  3. That's embedded from my smug mug account. If you need it uploaded another way, just let me know.
  4. Thank you, Jan. Sorry, been a busy week at work, just now seeing this!
  5. Hahaha. How could you? ?
  6. Agreed. And…Deathtroopers. Awesome. But honestly, the care given to the story was something special. And it inspired me to pick up Jedi Fallen Order again.
  7. Thank you Andy. I wondered if it might be something along these line. I appreciate the response.
  8. I have no idea if this is the right place to post this, but it seemed the closest fit. Please redirect me if there's a better area on the forum. ? I am struggling to sort out how to get myself to appear in the search for the Sith Lord database. I am looking for SL-71329 and not seeing it: Also can't figure out how to upload images to my profile under the Garrison Roster on the 501st site: Since I'm the noob of all noobs, I assume I'm missing something obvious. Any help would be appreciated...I'd love to show off the new armor in all it's glory! ?
  9. Ezra, I can't believe I missed this comment. I have to say, the entire season was just perfect for me. Really looking forward to season 2...impatiently.
  10. The ears look better! Good trim work. I can feel your hesitation, if you trim too much the fix becomes way harder. I'm looking at my RO Visual Guide right now, and the ear width looks spot on. Teeth look nice and crisp now, too. Enjoying this thread.
  11. Sick! I'm like you. I love Vader, so I built a Vader. But whether I should have started with a TK or not, I should still commit to building one at some point. Why? Because troopers are always having the most fun!! Also, the addiction thing is no joke. Vader was such a rush that when I finished I felt a little down, LOL. That's why I'm currently working out a spreadsheet for a Nightmare Batman build. But I feel like I'm digressing and hi-jacking your thread, sorry! The helmet is already looking great, can't wait to see more progress. ?
  12. I know this is a few months out, but this sounds like an awesome event! If you need a Vader count me in. Also, somewhat related question, my wife is helping me master the art of suiting up, and is offering to come to events as a handler. Is there anything specific we need to do for her to be involved?
  13. Nice way of putting it. Nothing worse than being spoon fed, and dumbing everything down. It’s a proper sci-fi series for sure.
  14. Thanks Joe! I looked at the dates of the last requests and wondered if I was causing trouble. ?
  15. Yeah...Ep 10 was really good.
  16. Anyone else been watching this series? This is a bold statement, but I have to say it's my favorite SW series yet (I know this is not a light statement, as Mando is incredible). Excellent character development going on in this series. Very cinematic presentation. Top shelf acting. It also helps that I'm a little biased, as Rogue One is one of my favorite SW movies. Also, big nod to the design of droid B2EMO. Trying to work out a way in my head to build one with servos and RC. About the production of the series, it's definitely the Star Wars universe. But there are strong vibes of Blade Runner and Logan's Run to my eyes. Loving it. Going to catch Episode 10 right now.
  17. If this is still going on I’d love one, thank you! Jason Scherff SL-71329 Approved: 11-3-2022
  18. Also, completely random, I stumbled on an old pic of my first Vader costume. Thought it would be fun to show off Mk1 vs Mk2 vs the current Mk3. 2015.....2021.....2022
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