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Visit for sick child

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For anyone interested I'm putting together a visit for a dying 7year old star wars fan. His name is Trenton and lives in haddam ct. I'm going up to his home sunday January 12th at 2pm. . My friend chris is going as boba fett and hopefully his daughter as boosh. Andy tam from the 501st said he will attend. So if anyone is interested please let me know. You can text me at 203-627-6057 . His favorite character is chewbacca. I'm hoping he will make it he dont have much time left. They have a barn we can dress in so I'm thinking of?? going at 1pm to set staging and do the visit from 2-3pm all is welcome??


14 Rock Landing Lane??
Haddam, CT 06424

Arrive at 1:30PM.

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I will be there. Sandtrooper

Please keep us posted on this, if anything changes.

Curious.... Are we going to or need to be there for 2 hours?

Andy Tam

TI / CC / TD - 33333

PW / PH-33333: Professional Wrangler / Handler

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No hes really sick probably only be there for a half an hour due to his strength dont wanna push more than that.?? I figure getting at his home about 1:30 to dress.?? Family has barn we can change into. Again hes on hospice care at home . I only hope he makes it to sunday. If anything should change I will contact everyone that is interested in going....and thank you for coming.

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Looks like you???ve already got Boba Fett going. My FOTK is not ready yet, so I???m gonna hang back. I wish this little guy a miracle. So sad to hear about his situation. He is gonna love seeing all of you and you will all be bringing him the happiness that he needs to have. Everyone be strong and keep those smiles going. This is a great thing that you are doing. May the force be with you and may you bring this little guy A New Hope.

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10 hours ago, Swiftcloud said:

Looks like you???ve already got Boba Fett going. My FOTK is not ready yet, so I???m gonna hang back. I wish this little guy a miracle. So sad to hear about his situation. He is gonna love seeing all of you and you will all be bringing him the happiness that he needs to have. Everyone be strong and keep those smiles going. This is a great thing that you are doing. May the force be with you and may you bring this little guy A New Hope.

Thanks jerrod I just pray he makes it till sunday.

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1 hour ago, bsands said:

@Depeche25 if another TK would?? be welcome, I'll be there.

Yes please join us that would be awesome!!

14 hours ago, Swiftcloud said:

Looks like you???ve already got Boba Fett going. My FOTK is not ready yet, so I???m gonna hang back. I wish this little guy a miracle. So sad to hear about his situation. He is gonna love seeing all of you and you will all be bringing him the happiness that he needs to have. Everyone be strong and keep those smiles going. This is a great thing that you are doing. May the force be with you and may you bring this little guy A New Hope.

Thanks jerrod I just pray he makes it till sunday.

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That's horrible :(?? So sorry for that family

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