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  1. Today
  2. You can also do warrant officer with that combo. For boots, just get English riding boots. Ebay often has em at a deal if you search used.
  3. Here's the generic CRL: https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:ISB_non_saga Also you can get a wig and do dedra if you shave your facial hair. Nothing stopping that
  4. Multi-Post Thread #3: To cap off my officer WIPs, we're going for a non-saga ISO. Miscommunication betwen Jim Tripon and myself resulted in me getting all three colors for his anthology style tunics. Since I have one in black and will be sharing most of the officer parts with my Andor ISB Officers, only seems right to go for this kit as well. Tunic - Pants - Hat: Jim Tripon - RECEIVED: (April 6, 2024) Boots: - RESEARCHING Belt Kit: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Belt Boxes: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Rank Badge: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Code Cylinders: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Code Disk Greeblie: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER
  5. Multi-Post Thread #2: So because of a communication error between myself and Jim Tripon, I actually ended up getting all three colors that he offers for his tunic for a pretty solid discount. And you know what comes with more discounts? More opportunities to surpass Ray in the number of approved uniforms....or at least I hope so. For some reason, I don't see anything in the Imperial Officer Corps' CRL for an Andor style Lieutenant, like Lieutenant Blevin. The only one (that I know of) that exists is for Dedra Meero. However! Ignoring her very specific hairstyle, the uniforms are identical. Tunic - Pants - Hat: Jim Tripon - RECEIVED: (April 6, 2024) Boots: - RESEARCHING Belt Kit: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Belt Boxes: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Rank Badge: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Code Cylinders: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Code Disk Greeblie: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Using footage from the TV show as reference and using the 501st CRL for Dedra Meero, the following choices for the kit were made: Jim Tripon offers three different colors for his "Andor" style officer tunic (Black, Light Grey, Dark Grey). The CRL for Dedra Meero states that the tunic "fabric should be a...white suiting material. OPTIONAL: White material may contain a very light gray tint". I'm pretty sure this is due to the fact that the lighting in the show makes it very difficult to tell whether the uniforms worn by Dedra Meero, Lieutenant Blevin, and Major Partagaz are white or grey. Personally, they look a light grey to me so this is what I went for. The Code Cylinders in Andor sport a silver colored clip, instead of brass/gold. Code Disk Greeblie for the ISB in Andor does not have a notch.
  6. Multi-Post Thread #1: I think I can speak for all reasonable, sane individuals when I say that Andor is the best piece of Star Wars media to date. The ISB scenes....ahh...the ISB scenes... Anyways! I absolutely loved getting to see these uniforms on screen. I often found myself gazing lovingly at Ezra, Joe, and Ray in their officer uniforms and I says to myself, "I wish that I, too, could be like the cool kids". So here we go: Tunic - Pants - Hat: Jim Tripon - RECEIVED: (April 6, 2024) Boots: - RESEARCHING Belt Kit: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Belt Boxes: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Rank Badge: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Code Cylinders: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Code Disk Greeblie: EzraBaileyBuilds.com - WAITING TO ORDER Using footage from the TV show as reference and using the 501st CRL for the ISB Attendant, the following choices for the kit were made: Jim Tripon offers three different colors for his "Andor" style officer tunic (Black, Light Grey, Dark Grey). The ISB Attendant uses Dark Grey. The Code Cylinders in Andor sport a silver colored clip, instead of brass/gold. Code Disk Greeblie for the ISB in Andor does not have a notch.
  7. Thank you! Working diligently on it. Still waiting on the back pack but I have Walt on that. Hoping it'll be ready soon.
  8. Purchased the Galactic Armory files for Crosshair and did a rough scaling using Armorsmith (great system for 3D printing armor). I am planning on going back and remeusaring/creating a new model (the old one being based off of measurements from over a year ago). Other parts that I plan on ordering include boots from crowsprops, along with a stormtrooper style neck seal because of the ribbing. Will also need to slice the backpack and figure out a harnessing system to offer decent support. The belt I am planning on making from leather while using the included files to make the holster. As of now I am waiting on my new order of filament to arrive along with some upgrade parts for my printer. Really looking forward to hearing advice/any need critiques!
  9. Yesterday
  10. We have very specific needs this year based on new additions to our table and displays, and allocation of troops to various shifts. Once we get through the glut of May 4th events and put those behind us we’ll start putting up the sign up sheets. Any commitments to those shifts will need to be firm.
  11. Got it. Yea, I gotta head to one soon. I need to make progress on those DT legs/calves
  12. Oh wow! You've gotten much further on this than I originally thought! This is gonna look amazing!
  13. Last week
  14. Not really, I think the last one was one you were at or maybe one after that but I think they want to have one every month to help people finish/fix their kits with some help or just another social hangout
  15. I figured I should probably create a build thread for my newest project - already in progress. I keep forgetting to start build threads so here we go. Actively working on it and this is how far I've gotten so far. Armor, under armor suit with Clone Cog patch for shoulder, kit accessories and other character accessories to put in the backpack. Just need the backpack and helmet. Would like to add electro-binoculars too. And that should do it I believe.
  16. Very cool!! I had no idea Snowies SEW their armor to the gloves. Yikes. It's looking great!!! Keep going!!
  17. My my, how time flies when you’re busy with life, the universe, and everything. Well, the gloves are done and the armor was a pain in the fingertips to sew on. I have one of the shoulder plates attached and hopefully by the end of the night (as of this post) both will be on and ready for weathering.
  18. Congratulations!! It's always great to add another Mandalorian to our ranks!! Welcome aboard, Vod!!!
  19. Thanks for hosting a wonderful event! 🖤 The NEG/AB PR team has been collecting photos from the event (as we do for most of our events). We have 1,000+ photos in the following album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/NoF8rUnuG1jBSS7w7 Enjoy and see you again soon!
  20. Hey there! I just got confirmation that I was accepted, so thanks for the help!
  21. So getting back at it working on my Revan build slowly doing the mask and will be redoing the strapping system for the O ring that hangs since the original one dissolved after little over a year. Will be a little more work weathering tonight on the top and visor area so it matches the lower section. Then will add a minor silver looking detail/scratches to in other spots
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