Weird Al "No Strings Attached" Tour @ Foxwoods!

Event created by Chewy
Event details
Weird Al Yankovic is back in town this year for his "No Strings Attached" tour! Wooooo! We've been asked to get on stage with him during his usual Star Wars numbers.
Pictures from 2015:??
A quick rundown for those who aren't familiar with how this works:
The songs "The Saga Begins" and "Yoda" are performed back-to-back at the end of the show. Our appearance on stage takes place during the performance of the song "We all have Cell Phones", which leads into "The Saga Begins". We will promptly exit stage at the end of "The Saga Begins" and before "Yoda".
When everyone has arrived before the show, the stage manager will run through the (very simple) routine with us. We will have a separate room and accompanying soundtrack to practice with beforehand. HERE is a good example of the kind of stuff we'll be asked to do.
Food & Meet and Greet
A pizza dinner will be provided for us before the performance (not sure it's a great idea to load everyone up with pizza before dancing but okay :P) and there will be a VIP meet-and-greet opportunity with Al after the show. It's typically 15-20 minutes after the end of the show and lasts 30-45 minutes. We can do pictures and get stuff signed and the like then.
We've been asked to provide 1 Vader and 4-8 "traditional" Stormtroopers (i.e. ANH Stunt or Hero, ESB, or ROTJ), with the possibility of 2 additional helmeted or masked characters (if there's room) like Boba Fett, Tusken Raiders, etc. We also have the option, if?? necessary, to replace Stormtroopers with Biker Scouts, Sandtroopers, Snowtroopers, Clone Troopers, or Imperial Guardsmen.??
We are also allowed to bring an (unspecified) number of handlers along too. I'll consider??what is a reasonable number depending on the numbers of costumed troopers and general interest. A single trooper-spot is allotted for us to video-tape the performance.
We're also allowed to bring 1 R2-D2 along. @trevelyan! I will be getting in touch with you separately.
Please plan to arrive between 2 1/2 hours and 3 hours prior to show time (i.e. around 5PM) and park in the garage closest to the casino. Parking costs will be covered by them. Duh. Parking is free at Foxwoods.
If you are interested in performing, please specify in the calendar event that you are coming and reply in the Events thread which costume you will be wearing. Please be aware that this is pretty much a "casted" event and we have to give them the setup that they want.
- I will give preference to CTG Vaders and Stormtroopers first, and any other costumes second.
- If we cannot fill our contingent of Stormtroopers I will open up slots to other "trooper" characters.
- Handlers will be decided when our Vader/Stormtrooper slots are filled.
- To ensure fairness, those who have not done Weird Al before will get first dibs.
- I will also give preference to those troopers who actively support the Garrison on a regular basis. You come out and troop regularly, you are rewarded.
This is going to be sweet!!
Jim Sprenkle + handler/dresser
Brian Sands - TK
Christopher Bailey - TK
Sarah Bailey - TK
Jan Abustan - TK
Michelle Crouch - TK
Alternative Helmeted Troopers
John Hajnal - TR (if finished/approved)
Jerred Best - Boba Fett
Nick Scofield - TD
R2D2 beep boop
Chuck Janeczko - R2D2
Wrangler Pool
Joe CIvitello
Andy Tam
Andy Tanski
Al Carbone