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Everything posted by Halfrek

  1. Here is a target link to the new Elite series Kylo saber. The blades come off on this one but it???s pricey?? https://www.target.com/p/star-wars-the-black-series-supreme-leader-kylo-ren-force-fx-elite-lightsaber/-/A-76152932?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&CPNG=PLA_Toys%2BShopping&adgroup=SC_Toys&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9003352&gclid=CjwKCAiAyeTxBRBvEiwAuM8dnRM-cP9jaQyWeFZPrPvjdc_Y5088b73Cb-6U1NvOB9ytZOrbVxhwZhoCqp4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  2. You don???t actually need a saber for approval, just a hilt. You can probably get a decent 3d printed one on Etsy.??I have the original Black Series saber and trooped with it many times ???out of the box??? before modifying it a bit to make it look better.??
  3. Glad everyone made it home ok. Thanks to everyone who came out,??it was a great time!
  4. If someone in the CTG wants to be in the NEG why not just transfer? If someone from the NEG wants to troop with the CTG awesome! It???s very easy to request forum access and sign up to events. I don???t think anyone here has a problem sharing our sandbox. If you want access to more events you can do the same thing with the NEG or any??garrison in the legion.??I just trooped with Garrison Carida and had a blast. The CTG has been around for 15 years now and some of us have pride in the fact that we have our own identity. I think we can work with all garrisons in surrounding regions not just the NEG without losing OUR Garrison in the process.??
  5. Looks awesome! Can???t wait to see it in person??
  6. @Kylo Maul987 Hey Matthew , I have a TFA Kylo from Wicked Armor here are some of the things I learned through my building/approval process. This (501st costuming) is not a cheap endeavor and this character tends to be on the more expensive side if you don???t know how to sew. I myself can not sew and thus I had to pay someone to do it for me. The pleats on the sleeves of the undershirt can be a complicated process for even the most advanced seamster/tailor.?? The two links @Wildcardzprovided are invaluable resources when trying to assemble a costume. Make sure to join the Sith Lord Detachment and find the forums for the Kylo outfit you want to build. I spent many hours reading posts??and messaging people about their experiences.?? Another important thing to remember is to be patient. I was not accepted on my first submission and had to go back and redo a bunch of things. Don???t get dejected,??with the right amount of time and effort you???ll get to where you want to be. Feel free to reach out to me here on the forums for any questions or help and I???ll do my best to guide you in the right direction.?? Halfrek/Paul??
  7. It???s about time for your arrival.??
  8. Looking good. Remember slow and steady finishes the race. It took me over a year and a half from start to finish on my Kylo, and it took over a year to get all the pieces for my biker.??
  9. Hey all, I???ve got a sick germ magnet here so with that and the snow I???m gonna bail from this event. Have fun and please travel safely.??
  10. Welcome buddy, really glad you decided to go for the Mudtrooper. I???m here????with whatever help??I can provide. You???re always welcome to come by the house.????Can???t wait to get you trooping!
  11. Hi Kara! Big Ahsoka fan here. Can???t wait to see your costume.??
  12. If you guys are good on numbers than I???ll pass as I???m going to the 5k walk that night. I just wanted to offer in case you guys need me or Kylo.??
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