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Posts posted by Chewy

  1. I've been having a cleanout of my physical and digital documents recently, and I've found plenty of stuff that's quite relevant to the CTG but isn't up somewhere public for people to look at. Some of it is letters thanking us for participation in certain events or for??fundraising towards charitable causes. Other documents??are??signed memorabilia addressed to the CTG that I've held onto. There's now two new galleries set up for everyone to view this stuff and contribute to as they can:

    I thought it would be a nice idea to have a public space to display archival material related to the Garrison. You lot get to see all the stuff we've been collecting, and it's a useful record of things we can use to show outside groups that we're a positive influence on our communities in Connecticut.

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  2. 22 hours ago, MagyarSoldat said:

    I???ll bring cookies for the kids if that would be allowed.??

    Hm. Nice idea but I think it's probably best we don't risk it. I've no doubt many people there are on special diets (or perhaps might not be comfortable accepting food from a stranger). Sorry.

    I mean, you could bring some for us. I never so no to cookies... .... ....???

  3. 18 hours ago, Depeche25 said:

    I asked about doing this when Sarah was commander. Was taken back when someone showed me it's being done. Do past troopers get this package also?

    Just for troopers approved this year, sorry - the cost for everything came out of my own pocket. I know we talked about getting certificates done earlier and three new troopers in the space of a month seemed like a good opportunity to push the project through.

    I'm happy to do up a certificate for you to print out yourself if you'd like. Check out this thread:


  4. ??

    Long story short:

    The Peter Mayhew Foundation is donating $150,000 worth of toys to be given out at hospital troops by the 501st Legion in the USA over December and January. On January 9th CCMC has planned a showing of "Rise of Skywalker" for the kids stuck at the hospital, and I got us an invite along to do photo ops and help give out raffle prizes beforehand. I'm currently waiting on further guidance from Legion Command regarding the toy donation, but the intention would be to give out our gifts to them then.??

    I'm sorry that this is on a Thursday but unfortunately most of their events are on weekdays and there's not much we can do about that. If we can't make this date work I'm considering doing a quick toy drop-off sometime in January with some social media-friendly pictures.

    Usual arrangements for CCMC: parking is at the hospital either in the garage (comped) or by the Family Resource Center, and you will need to fill out some paperwork beforehand if you've not trooped there before. You are not required to provide evidence of a flu shot or anything to attend; the hospital just asks that you excuse yourself if you've been immunocompromised in the week or so beforehand.

    If you wish to troop and haven't been to the hospital before, please read the attached documents, bringing along a signed copy of the Confidentiality Agreement on the day. We are allowed to use the concrete parking area at the second floor entrance on 282 Washington Street - please refer to the map for more details. Ignore in the guidelines were it says we'll have to pay for parking - we are covered regardless of where you park.



    • Please make sure you're at the hospital for 3PM. We'll be in costume at 4, lasting as long as they want us (probably a couple of hours at most).
    • Don't forget you can park outside the Washington Street entrance and drastically reduce the distance you'll need to drag your tote.
    • Please do not bring blasters.
    • Please do remember to bring a signed copy of the confidentiality agreement if you haven't already done one for CCMC. A copy can be found in the Google Drive link above.
    • I have a new phone number: (860) 816-3292. Call me if you are having trouble tomorrow.


    Topic is for discussion of event.?? To Sign up/RSVP for this event, please visit the calendar link:?? Connecticut Children's Medical Center "Rise of Skywalker" showing!

  5. I sent a package to Quentin, Louis, and Robert too - all our new members this year. As long as I'm CO I plan to do this little welcome pack for all the newbies. :)

    If you're not new but would still like a digital copy of a??certificate to print and frame on the wall, or put in a costume box??or whatever, go here and I'll do one for ya. Just takes a few edits of a template.


    EDIT: @ndamario??- here's the link if you'd like some of your own CTG trading cards:??https://ctg501.com/community/index.php?/topic/443-ctg-trading-cards-now-available/;)

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  6. Example of the certificate:


    If you are an approved member of the CTG and you would like a digital copy of your "Certificate of Membership", please make a post in this thread stating the following information:

    • Full name
    • ID# and prefix at time of approval
    • Date of approval. Exact day is preferred (you should have gotten a welcome email from the 501st on that date) but otherwise just a month and year.

    If you were approved in the last 2 years I can use the correct signatures for CO??(Sarah Bailey or myself) and GML (Andy Tanski or John Hajnal). If you were approved before that, the current CO and GML will be used.

    Please check your post a short while after providing your information - a link to .pdf copy of the certificate will be embedded. :)

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