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Hello again - (Old) New Guy - Shawn Snyder

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Hey folks.

I introduced myself a long time ago (3 or 4 years ago?), in a galaxy not very far away, and I'm here to re-introduce myself.

My TK kit beckons to actually be built, so I'm looking to do one of those (ANH Stunt) and a Staff Officer (black).

I'm also very interested in getting started on (probably ROTJ) Vader build since I know there are long lead times on many of those parts. ??I really would like to be able to pick your collective brains and make sure I'm getting parts that at least pass Level 1 before I throw down Vader money and wait Vader wait times :) But if all??goes really well, maybe I can have the big guy done in a year or so.

I am a lurker in general on forums, and have registered on the various detachment forums (SLD, FISD, IOC).

Anyway, just saying hi again.

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Hey Shawn, welcome!


There's an info dump on officers posted here, and for TKs a bunch of great info linked here (but if you've already made it to FISD you're set!)

Garrison Web Master | First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Leader Emeritus

ANH Stunt Stormtrooper - Centurion | ESB Line Officer - Imperator |Dengar - Approved
Heavy Weapon Trooper - Centurion| ESB Stormtrooper- Approved | Admiral Daala - Approved| Jodo Kast - Approved

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Hellooooooo Shawn!!! Pleasure to see you here!

Edited by Feliz



Imperial Death Trooper, ANH Vader, and Sandtrooper (who wouldn't know a droid if it were sitting in a speeder right in front of his face)

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Hey Shawn glad you joined the forums! Welcome again!??

Quentin Salgado TX/TI/DS-72679 - CTG Public Relations Officer

Approved Costumes: Inferno Squad - Del Meeko & Inferno Squad - Gideon Hask & Kylo Ren: TROS

PW/ PH- 72679 Professional Wrangler / Handler

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  • 3 months later...

Hey Shawn, Welcome!


SpecOps -- TX19736
- Magma Trooper (WIP)

WhiteArmor??-- TK19736
- TLJ FO Executioner (Basic Approval)

BlizzardForce?? -- TS19736
- ESB SnowTrooper (Basic Approval)

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