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2024 CENSUS - REQUIRED ACTION***********

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It's that time of year again; the Legion Census is here!

How To -- Census

Per Section 2.1 of the Operations Protocol, completion of the 501st Legion census is required for Active Members, with the exception of unit or Legion Commanding Officer discretion.

Here are 3 ways to find the census:
1. If you are on a PC/Mac -- While logged into the 501st Forums, go directly to the Member DB: https://www.501st.com/holocron/member/legacy within the Holocron. Sign in with your 501st Forum credentials and click, "CENSUS".

2. If you are on a phone/tablet -- While logged into the 501st Forums, click the QUICK LINKS hamburger menu in the top right of the forum and select, "Holocron". Sign in with your 501st Forum credentials and click, "CENSUS".

3. While logged into the 501st Forums, go to the Holocron: https://www.501st.com/holocron. Sign in with your 501st Forum credentials. Click the hamburger menu in the top left, select, "LEGACY MEMBERDB", and click, "CENSUS".

*Note: You must be signed into BOTH 501st Forums and the Holocron to access the Census area. If not, you will receive a login error screen.

Once in the Census, you will scroll to the bottom and complete the sections. Click, "SUBMIT" and you're done for that year's Census

You can also take a look at the Census Stats for all 501st units by clicking, "CENSUS STATS" in the left menu.

---All Active Members Are Required To Fill Out The Census To Maintain Active Status---

If you do not fill out the census by the October 31 deadline, your account status will be moved to Reserve on the forums and the MembershipDB!

If you have any questions or concerns reach out to command :)


It takes 2 minutes.  just go do it


Census Information.pdf


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Garrison Web Master | First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Leader Emeritus

ANH Stunt Stormtrooper - Centurion | ESB Line Officer - Imperator |Dengar - Approved
Heavy Weapon Trooper - Centurion| ESB Stormtrooper- Approved | Admiral Daala - Approved| Jodo Kast - Approved

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